Collaboration agreement with LWF Academy

February 23, 2021

Collaboration agreement with LWF Academy

Johan Cruyff Institute and LWF Academy establish a collaboration agreement for academic training

Johan Cruyff Institute will make available to LWF Academy a wide range of academic training in Sport Management, Sport Marketing and Sponsorship, Football Business and Coaching as a result of the agreement recently signed between the two entities.

LWF Academy was born as part of the Leadership Woman Football platform, as agents of change, with the commitment to participate in the transformation of society, promoting equality for women in football and inclusion through academic training in the sports industry. They offer programs and courses on leadership, sustainability, gender equality, diversity, and other essential aspects to complement the professional career of any contemporary leader in the sports market.

“On behalf of the LWF Academy, we are very excited about the alliance with Johan Cruyff Institute. They play an important role in the academic training of future professionals in the industry, and we are ready to complement the training of these people to help create more inclusive leaders in sport,” says Reyes Bellver, president of Leadership Woman Football.

For Mônica Esperidião Hasenclever, CMO at Leadership Woman Football and director of LWF Academy, “this alliance with Johan Cruyff Institute is based on a series of actions, which not only will benefit students from both sides, but we will also seek to achieve together the necessary change in the sports industry, where Johan Cruyff Institute delivers the technical part and we deliver the values to train complete professionals.”


Academic Programs

On campus programs at Johan Cruyff Institute include visits to sport organizations, clubs and facilities so that students can experience firsthand the challenges faced by sport managers on a daily basis. We also feature Master Classes by guest speakers who occupy key positions within the different areas of the sports industry. Online programs offer the possibility of studying in any place at any time through the Virtual Campus. The study pace can be adapted to each individual's workload and availability. A tutor guides each student through the entire program.

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