Courses and Specialized Diplomas

Courses and Specialized Diplomas

The Courses and Specialized Diplomas of Johan Cruyff Institute are academic programs, which can be introductory in sport management or specialization in different areas of the sports industry. 100% sports-oriented. Focused on the student. Based on the principle of 'Learning by doing'. Flexible, diverse and with the latest technology, they adapt to the workload and availability of each individual.

Online Courses

Online programs offer the possibility of studying in any place at any time through the Virtual Campus. The study pace can be adapted to each individual's workload and availability. A tutor guides each student through the entire program, and doubts/questions are addressed through personalized attention, chat, videoconferencing or email.

Specialized Diplomas

The Specialized Diplomas of Johan Cruyff Institute are programs that contain several online courses on the same subject, hence they offer greater specialization and depth than a single online course. Without the need to go through an admission process or a post-university program, the student will be able to obtain the specialized training they want in less time and more economically.

Online Specialized Diplomas

  • Steve Martin

    What my players need to do, if they want to work in the football business once retired, is to follow a management program such as the Johan Cruyff Institute offers.

    Steve Martin
    Commercial Director Dundee FC – alumnus Postgraduate Diploma in Football Business

The Magazine

Johan Cruyff Institute